It has basic modules which is mainly communicates the main 4 users of the school.
1. Parent
2. Admin (Principal/director)
3. Teacher
4. Accountant
With a Single user panel, the admin can create users like
1. Student (Enable the students parent to access the thita parent app)
2. Teacher
3. Accountant
4. Staff( Teaching / non teaching)
Academic Operations:
1. Admission of Student
2. Create class & Section
3. Message or send notification to the parents
4. Time table of School
5. Exam Scheduling
6. Exam result & Report Making
7. School Holidays Listing
8. Online Notice board on Mobile
9. Grade system & Subjects
10. Attendance & Report
Financial Operation:
1. Fees structure
2. Assign Fees to students
3. Collect Fees with discount & Fine as well as Tax
4. Fees collection report with Due, Half Paid System, Paid details
5. Staff Salary payment
6. Manage Payment Method
7. School Vendor management with payment history
8. Assets Management